Rabu, 12 September 2012

contoh keterangan dalam surat


  1. Tas Ransel / Tas untuk pakaian.
  2. Pakaian untuk 2 hari kegiatan (sweater/jaket, pakaian lapangan, kaos, Sepatu/sandal lapangan, Kaos Kaki, Topi, Jas Hujan) yang berbahan katoon atau menyerap keringat.
  3. Pakaian Muslim dan Muslimah.
  4. Membawa perlengkapan sholat (Al-Qur’an).
  5. Membawa perlengkapan bersih-bersih( handuk, pasta & sikat gigi, sabun dan shampoo )
  6. Membawa Plastik untuk baju kotor.
  7. Membawa Suplemen ( vitamin c dan atau sejenisnya )*
  8. Membawa obat-obatan pribadi jika memiliki penyakit khusus.
  9. Tempat khusus untuk barang-barang penting (dompet, HP, perhiasan dll)
  10. Makanan rekomendasi (cokelat, roti, agar-agar/jelly, buah-buahan, dibuat mixfood yang terdiri atas kacang, coklat, biskuit dan kismis )*

* di makan atau di konsumsi sewaktu berbuka puasa dan sahur (pre-dawn meal)

Bercerita pengalaman mengesankan

Hello my friend, how are you today?
I want to share to you about my last holiday.
First, I went to Bandung with my family by car.
We left our house in the early morning and had breakfast at front of ‘Gedung Sate’ Bandung.
In the afternoon, we went to Lembang and stopped at one of famous place called “the Ranch”.
At the Ranch, I rode a horse with cowboy style. I was also riding an ATV and plying pound rafting and bungee-jumping.
There are also flying fox and rock climbing and fishing.
Then we had lunch before going to my uncle’s home at Subang.

We stayed at Subang that night. In the morning we went to strawberries farm and picked some strawberries and riding ATV again in this area.

We back to Jakarta before night.

In the next week, I went to my uncle’s home at Ciledug.
I stayed there for 3 days. I was playing ball and PS.
We had birthday’s  party for my uncle’s Mirza.
I like very much my uncle because he is like comedian.

That’s all my holiday’s story.

Thank you for listening.

Senin, 10 September 2012

Children's story dialog

Good Morning everybody, I have a good story about a big wide-mouthed frog. He things he has the biggest mouth in the world.
One day the frog hopped off to see the world.
First, the frog met a Big Thumping Feet.
 - Hello Mister Big Thumping Feet, who are you and what do you eat?
  – I am a Kangoroo and I eat grass
 – Well, I am a big wide-mouthed Frog and I eat flies. Good bye
Second, the frog met a Big Black Nose
 – Hello Mister Big Black Nose! who are you and what do you eat?
Go to fullsize image – I am a Koala and I eat leaves.
 – Well, I am a big wide-mouthed Frog and I eat flies. Good bye
Third, the frog met something hanging on the tree.
 – Hello Mister Hanging! Who are you and what do you eat?
 – I am a Possum and I eat blossom.
 – Well, I am a big wide-mouthed Frog and I eat flies. Good bye
Fourth, the frog met a Three Long Toes.
 – Hello Mister Three Long Toes! Who are you and what do you eat?
 – I am an Emu Bird and I eat grasshoppers.
 – Well, I am a big wide-mouthed Frog and I eat flies. Good bye
Last, the frog met something like brown log.
 – Hello Mister Brown Log! Who are you and what do you eat?
Go to fullsize image– I am a Crocodile and I eat Big Wide-mouthed frog. Who are you?
 – Meee? I am a small narrow-mouthed Frog and I… have to goooooo.

The frog was afraid to be eaten by the crocodile.
I hope we can get a lesson from this story that we must not arrogant.

Contoh dialog cerita anak - anak

I would like to tell you a story about “Kiko and Fireflies”.
Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit live at small village with their twin little rabbits, Kiki and Kiko.
Kiki was obedient and Kiko was lazy.
In Shiny morning Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit are going to the farm and sell carrots to market.
“Kiki, Kiko, you have to stay at home while I am going” Mr. Rabbit said.
“Ok Dad” said Kiko. “Let us clean the garden from weeds, Kiko” said Kiki.
Kiki started to clean up the weed but Kiko just busy chasing a grasshopper.
“Go and catch me Kiko” said the grasshopper.
Kiko follow the grasshopper and jumping away into the forest.
The grasshopper left Kiki in the forest until nigh.
“Ooh, I am afraid to be caught by snake or tiger” Kiko tough.
“Szzzzzz…..Szzzzz..” Kiko hear a hissing voice.
Kiko see a snake come to him.
Suddenly he hear a voice” Please come and hide here”  
“Who are you?” Kiko asked
“I am Putri Malu, my sharp body will protect you from any danger” answer putri malu.
Kiko hide behind the putri malu leaves. The snake scared to the sharp body of putri malu then go away.
Kiko cried aloud “Dad, Mom, Kikiii…..please help me”
Suddenly, a pair of lights appeared and moved closer to Kiko.
“Ooh it must be a tiger eyes, Ooh tiger, please don’t eat me” Kiko pleaded.
“Calm down little rabbit, we are not a tiger but fireflies” Said the flashing light.
“Fireflies please help me, I want back to my house” Kiko pleaded.
“I am so sorry not listen to what my parents said” Kiko explained.
“Okay, let’s follow us, we will help you to go back home” fireflies called.
Kiko followed the two insect who always glowing at night.
“Hi, that is my house” Kiko shouted happily.
“Dad, Mom, Kiki…I am home” Kiko shouted.
The Rabbit family felt happy to see Kiko was back.
“Thank you fireflies and I promise to obey my parents” Kiko said.
They all smiled happily.

That’s all about the story and the lesson is that we have to obey our parents.

Cerita hidup nabi Muhammad

Pada suatu masa penduduk mekah sudah kaya dan suka berfoya-foya .akibat itu pendatang lain suka masuk ke mekah dan ingin menguasai mekah .di mekah masih menyembah berhala .datanglah bangsa Amalekit dan kabilah khuza’a .mereka sempat menguasai mekah .akhirnya telaga zamzam kering .kemudian dari banyak keturunan nabi Ismail AS maka mekah dikuasai banyak orang .kemudian ada seorang suami dan istri yang bernama siti aminah dan Abdullah .kemudian Abdullah berdagang ke negri Syam .kemudian Abdullah pulang ke madinah dan meninggal dunia di madinah .siti aminah sangat sedih saat nabi Muhammad berusia enam bulan .kemudian abdull mutholib menemukan lagi sumur zamzam .kemudian abdul mutholib menjadi pengurus ka’bah .kemudian bayi yang dikandung aminah lahir pada tanggal 12 robiul awal atau 20 april 571 masehi pada hari senin .kemudian abdul mutholib menggendong bayinya dan memberi nama cucunya yaitu Muhammad .arti Muhammad adalah yang terpuji .pada tahun kelahiran Muhammad datanglah raja abraha dengan pasukan gajah untuk menguasai mekah .Abraha mendirikan istana di yaman .Abraha membuat greja dan tidak ada yang dating karena sudah ada kabah .kemudian raja abraha ingin menghacurkan kabah .tetapi pasukan raja abraha terganggu dengan burung ababil yang diutus ALLAH SAW dan diberi batu dari neraka dan raja Abraha meninggal ditempat itu juga .